“Creative Thinker”
UX/UI designer
About the designer
Hello! I’m My originally born and raised in Vietnam, currently studying and living in France since 2018. I am meaningfully inspired by French culture and aesthetic.
I’ve been passionate about all things creative since a very young age, doing art and making my own designs. I’m all about researching, designing and prototyping digital experiences that bring memorable and delightful experiences to users.
Adopting high-intuitive and creative insight, I genuinely enjoy doing my work and mixing up with art elements. In every project, it's not just not just about pixels and colors, it's about turning every project into a playground of fun and excitement. I value every novel idea and the lessons I gain after each project, enriching my experiences and broadening my perspective world.
The Work Life
Dec. 2021 - Sept. 2023 (Apprenticeship)
UX/UI Designer at e-tourism start up Broke&Abroad
Apr. 2021 - Juin 2021 (Internship)
Assistant of visual communication at Com on Cloud agency
The Education
2022-2023 (Master’s degree)
UX Research & Design at ECV Digital